Sunday, November 28, 2010
All that I should have done...
I should have married you then and there. I should have stayed in college another year. I should have listened to my instinct that said "long distance sucks." I should have stayed up late during my vacation so that I could sleep well tonight. I should have learned to play guitar. I should have kept my poetry portfolio. I should have gone straight to grad school. I should have prolongued entering the real world as long as possible. I should have stayed with you. I should have written more poetry. I should have told myself that money doesn't matter, a wedding doesn't matter, a fancy ring doesn't matter. I should have forgotten what people would think. I should have not cared what the neighbors might say. I should have just lived and forgotten to impress people with my resume. I should have just been and lived with you in that tiny apartment with our bajillion animals laughing, smiling, sleeping, living, enjoying all this world has to offer TOGETHER. Instead, I chose to explore it alone. Pffft, what was I thinking?
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