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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I'm reading tonight for book club: Gary Soto's collection of short stories, Baseball in April. I have yet to plan for tomorrow. I have a rough outline of what I want to do with the kids, but in all seriousness, I think I need to change that. Especially since I think I'm going to skip the next two readings, a personal narrative and an excerpt from an autobiography. The objective states that the students simply need to know the difference between memoir, autobiography, and personal narrative. Yes, reading each of the three will greatly benefit the students; however, I think it's in my best interest to go on to Fact/Opinion and Tone.

There are still so many things I need to do to my classroom to make it run smooth to my standards.

Aside from that, I'm getting my creative fix doing things for my classroom, but I'm still not satisfied with the arrangement of the room and the way it looks/flows.

Tonight, I want to read and enjoy what I read. And that is what I'm going to do.

Here's to wine and Gary Soto.


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